about Our firm

Where it all began

Chris Scholtes first established C.E.A. Scholtes & Associates in September 2002. Our firm of over 25 employees specializes in servicing middle-market and emerging businesses, international businesses and non-profit organizations. Our firm is predominantly centered around providing many types of accounting services including – back office remote and on-site accounting, part-time or interim CFO services, cash flow analysis, and much more. In addition, we perform audits and attest engagements such as reviews, compilations, agreed-upon procedures, and fraud investigations.

About our future

By continuing to utilize the most current technologies, we constantly update our systems to be compatible with the most efficient accounting methods.

Our Mission

We strive to be the most widely respected and recognized accounting services firm in the Baltimore Metropolitan region. We will serve as an accounting resource for our clients and serve as a partner to our friends at large CPA audit firms.

Our Values

Core Principles